Δευτέρα, Απριλίου 11, 2011

Step out in stunning scenery on Mt Parnitha

Easy routes that take the walker through beautiful woodland a few kilometers northwest of the capital.
Whether you’re a nature buff, a sports enthusiast or prefer strolling to jogging, don’t miss out on a trip to Mount Parnitha, a green Eden just a few kilometers northwest of Athens. There is nothing to be afraid of and little to organize. All you need is a sturdy pair of walking shoes, a good map, water and maybe a picnic lunch.

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The shortest and easiest trail on Parnitha, which is ideal for families with younger children, takes you from the Bafi Lodge, past the Koromilia spring and on to the Flabouri Lodge. It is a well-marked trail through a fir forest and easy to navigate. You don’t even need to take water with you on this route as there are two freshwater springs along the way.

The trail starts at the parking area outside the Bafi Lodge, where there is a small opening in the wooden fence with a signpost, in Greek, pointing toward the picnic area. Go through this opening and down the log steps, signaling the beginning of the Flabouri trail, which is well marked with large red stamps on the trunks of the trees flanking it.

About 400 meters on you will come out onto a paved road. The trail picks up again just a few meters ahead on the left (north) and is marked by a yellow spot on a tree. After another 440 meters the path is crossed by another track; turn right here and continue toward to Flabouri. About 700 meters along this trail there is a bend in the road that heads south and on to a narrow unmarked trail that takes the walker east through dense fir forest.

This part of the trail is the prettiest on the route, and it is very easy to walk along. Keep walking downhill through the fir trees until you come to the Koromilia spring, about 800 meters along, and then follow the dirt track to the right (southwest), which will bring you to a small uphill part of the trail (about 200 meters on). This well-marked section (in red) leads to the dirt track to Flabouri and past the Katara spring.

An equally pretty and walkable trail is also the one you will encounter further down, which leads directly to the Flabouri lodge and past the Kyra spring.

Through dense woods

A very impressive route through dense pine forest that also promises sightings of deer is the trail from Saloniki to Aghios Nikolaos. The trail begins at the western end of the Saloniki plateau, behind a shack and goat shed, and is marked by red ribbons. Just a few meters along this path you’ll come to a fork marked with red and white ribbons. Here take the right (west) path that leads to Aghios Nikolaos.

This trail traverses a forest of pine and low-lying shrubs that have been well pruned in order to keep the path clear. It is on a gentle downhill slope and after 3.4 km (or about 1.5 hours’ walking) you’ll reach a large clearing in front of the Chapel of Aghios Nikolaos. Heading down from the chapel for a few meters toward the creek that is located southwest of the church, you’ll find yourself on a 1.3 km trail that leads to a dirt track that goes to Avlona.

Bike Trails

Parnitha is also ideal for cycling and boasts hundreds of kilometers of bike trails through the woods that are suitable for experienced cyclists and families with small children.

One easy trail is around the former royal family’s estate, which starts off from the main square in the suburb of Kryoneri. Take the paved road to the west and about 200 meters after the last house on the strip you’ll see a path behind a goat shed on your right that will take you into the woods for about 2.5 kilometers before getting a bit tricky.

Another popular route with cyclists looking for more of a challenge is from Haradra to the Chapel of Aghios Georgios. The starting point of this trail is about 1.2 km past the parking lot for the cable car along the main road leading up the mountain. There you will see the start of a dirt trail, though you will not see other cars stopped here as there is no clearing. There are three options along this trail: the 10 km (1.5-hour) route from Aghios Georgios to Aghia Triada, a route of 18 km (2.5 hours) from the peak of Koromilia and Keramidi to Aghia Triada (part of this route takes you through some fire-damaged areas) and a long route that heads north toward Mola and from there to the Bafi Lodge and Aghia Triada. This route, the end of which is along asphalt, is 24 kilometers long and takes an average of three hours to complete.

info: Stefanos Psimenos kathimerini

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