Παρασκευή, Μαρτίου 23, 2012

Foreign Embassies and Consulates in Athens, Greece

  Albanian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Albania in Athens, Greece
7, Vekiareli GR.
15237 Filothei
Athens, Greece
·         City: Athens
Phone: (+30) 210 6876200
Fax: (+30) 210 6876223

Algeria Algerian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Algeria in Athens, Greece
14 Vassilleos
Konstantinou 11635
·         City: Athens
Phone: 302 1075 64 191
302 1075 64 192
Fax: 302 101 86 81
302 101 86 82

Angola  Angolan Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Angola in Athens, Greece
24 Eleftheriou Venizelou Str.
15237 Filothei - Athens
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30 210 6898681-2
Fax: +30 210 6898683
Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 15:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday.

Argentina Argentinian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Argentina in Athens, Greece
59 Leof Vassilissis
Sophia 59, 3
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30 210 722 4753
+30 210 722 4710
+30 210 724 4158
+30 210 722 0946
Fax: +30 210 722 7568

Armenia Armenian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in the Hellenic Republic
95, Konstantinou Paleologou Avenue,
Khalandri 15232, Athens, Greece
·         City: Athens
Phone: (30-210) 6831130
Fax: (30-210) 6831183
Office Hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 09:00-18:00

Australia Australian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Australian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Level 6, Thon Building,
Cnr. Kifisias and Alexandras Ave
Ambelokipi, Athens 115 23
Postal addressPO Box 14070
Ambelokipi, Athens 11510
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30 210 870 4000
Fax: +30 210 870 4055; 210 870 4111 (General)
Office Hours: The Embassy in Athens is open for telephone and email enquiries from 8:00am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday. Counter hours are Monday to Friday: Consular 08:30 to 15:30; Immigration 08:30 to 12:30 (by appointment) except for public holidays.
Details: The Australian Embassy in Athens is also accredited to Bulgaria and Albania.

Austria Austrian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Austria in Athens, Greece
4, Vasilissis. Sofias
10674 Athens, Greece
·         City: Athens
Phone: (+30) (210) 7257 270
Fax: (+30) (210) 7257 292

Austria Austrian Consulate in Athens, Greece
Vice Consulate of Austria in Athens, Greece
Leof. Kifissias 278
15232 Athens
·         City: Athens
Phone: (+30/210) 68 39 685-6
Fax: (+30/210) 68 41 865

Azerbaijan Azerbaijani Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Athens, Greece
10, Skoufa str., 10673 Kolonaki
Athens, Greece
·         City: Athens
Phone: + 30 210 363 27 21
Fax: + 30 210 363 90 87

Bahamas Bahamian Consulate in Athens, Greece
Honorary Consulate of The Bahamas in Bahamas
253 Sygrou Avenue
17122 Athens, GREECE
·         City: Athens
Phone: 30. 210.941.1603
Fax: 30. 210.941.1603

Bangladesh Bangladeshi Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Athens, Greece
119 Marathonodromon-154 52
Palaio Psychiko
Athens, Greece
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30-210-67 20 250
Fax: +30-210-67 54 513
Office Hours: 0900 hrs.-1630 hrs.

Belgium Belgian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Belgium in Athens, Greece
Odos Sekeri, 3,
10671 Athens, Greece
·         City: Athens
Phone: + (30) 210 36.17.886
+ (30) 210 36.17.887
Fax: + (30) 210 36.04.289
Office Hours: Monday through Friday
- 8 AM to 5.30 PM
- 8 AM to 2 PM for the public

Belize Belizean Consulate in Athens, Greece
Consulate of Belize in Athens, Greece
62 Kifissias Avenue
Polis Center Building II
15125 Maroussi
Athens, Greece
·         City: Athens
Phone: (30-1) 689-9512
Fax: (30-1) 689-9524

Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Bosnia - Herzegovina in Hellenic Republic of Greece
25 Filellinon St
6th floor, 105 57 Athens, Greece
·         City: Athens
Phone: + (30 210) 64 11 375
+ (30 210) 64 23 154
Fax: + (30 210) 64 11 978

Brazil Brazilian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Brazil in Athens, Greece
Platia Philikis Eterias 14
3rd Floor
GR 106 73 Athens, Greece
·         City: Athens
Phone: (30210) 721-3039/723-4450/724-4434
Fax: (30210) 724-4731

Bulgaria Bulgarian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Bulgarian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Paleo Psihico, 33-A Stratigu Kalari
Str., Athens, 154 52
·         City: Athens
Phone: 0030 210 67 48 105/108
Fax: 0030 210 67 48 130

Cameroon Cameroonian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Consulate of the Republic of Cameroon in Athens, Greece
19, rue Stratigou Kallari
154 52 P. Psychico Athens Greece
·         City: Athens
Phone: (+30)
Fax: (+30)

Canada Canadian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Canada in Athens, Greece
4 Ioannou Ghennadiou St.
Athens, Greece
115 21
·         City: Athens
Phone: (011-30)210-727-3400
Fax: (011-30)210-727-3480

Chad Chadian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Chad in Athens, Greece
Eleni Haziroglou 114
Alimou Street
Argyroupoli 164 52
·         City: Athens
Phone: 991 65 23
Fax: 991 34 23

Chad Chadian Consulate in Athens, Greece
Consulate of Chad in Athens, Greece
114, Avenue Alimou
164 52 Athens
·         City: Athens
Phone: (+30)
Fax: (+30)

Chile Chilean Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Chile in Athens, Greece
Calle Rigillis 26 3
Piso 10674 Athens
·         City: Athens
Phone: 30(210) 7252574
30(210) 7292647
30(210) 7252536
Fax: 30(210) 7252536

Chile Chilean Consulate in Atenas, Greece
Honorary Consulate of Chile in Pireo, Greece
Doogenous N 10-Halandri -Atenas
·         City: Atenas
Phone: 30 (210) 682 7785

China Chinese Embassy in Athens, Greece
Chinese Embassy in Athens, Greece
2A, Krinon Str., 15452 P. Psychico
Athens, Greece
P.O. Box: 65188
·         City: Athens
Phone: 0030-6973730680
Fax: 0030-210-6723819

Colombia Colombian Embassy in Atenas, Greece
Embassy of Colombia in Atenas, Greece
Vrassida 2
115 28
·         City: Atenas
Phone: 009 30 1 7236848
Fax: 009 30 1 7246270

Costa Rica Costa Rican Consulate in Athens, Greece
General Honorary Consulate of Costa Rica in Greece
42 Amalias Avenue 105 58 Atenas
Athens, Greece
·         City: Athens
Phone: 0030--210-3225946
Fax: 0030-210-3230937

Croatia Croatian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Athens, Greece
Tzavela 4
Neo Psychico
154 51 Athens
·         City: Athens
Phone: 0030 210 6777059
0030 210 6777 037
0030 210 6777 049
0030 210 6777 033
Fax: 0030 210 671 1208
Office Hours: Working hours: " Monday to Friday 9:00-17:00
Working hours of Consular Section: " Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 10:00-13:00
Details: Covers the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Georgia

Cuba Cuban Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Cuba in Athens, Greece
Sofokleos 5, Filothei 152 37
Athens, Greece
·         City: Athens
Phone: (30) 210 685 5550
Fax: (30) 210 684 2807

Cyprus Cypriot Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Athens, Greece
Xenofontos 2A, 105 57
Athens, Greece
·         City: Athens
Phone: + 30 210 3734800
Fax: + 30 210 7258886
Office Hours: 08:00 - 15:30 (Mon. - Fr.)

Czech Republic Czech Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of the Czech Republic in Athens, Greece
G. Seferis Str. 6
Paleo Psychico
154 52 Athens
·         City: Athens
Phone: 0030/2106713755, 2106719701, 2106725332
Fax: 0030210/6710675
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 08.30 - 17.00

Denmark Danish Embassy in Athens, Greece
Royal Danish Embassy in Greece
Mourouzi 10, 4th Floor
GR-106 74, Athens
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30 210 725 6440
Fax: +30 210 725 6473
Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 10 am to 1 pm

Djibouti Djibouti Consulate in Athens, Greece
Consulate of the Republic of Djibouti in Greece
253, Ave Syngrou 171 22
·         City: Athens
Phone: (+30-210) 9236500, 9210144
Fax: (+30-210) 9210145

Ecuador Ecuadorian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Ecuador in Greece
Calle Sotiros Str., nr 6
(El Pireo) Casilla
Postal 80119 Pireus GR 185 10
·         City: Athens
Phone: (00301) 4223 800-4
Fax: (00301) 4223 559

Ecuador Ecuadorian Consulate in Athens, Greece
Ecuadorian Consulate in Athens, Greece
Calle Nikis No 4, piso 8
Athens 105 63 (Syntagma Square
·         City: Athens
Phone: 0030-2103235380 ; 0030-6934366826
Fax: 0030-2103225168

Egypt Egyptian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Egypt in Greece
Vassilissis Sofias Av No. 3
106 71
·         City: Athens
Phone: 30 - 210 36 18 612 - 13
Fax: 30 - 210 36 03 538

El Salvador Salvadoran Embassy in Athens, Greece
El Salvador Embassy in Greece
35, rue Voulis, 1er etage Place Syndagma
105 57
·         City: Athens
Phone: (+30) 2103222093
Fax: (+30) 2103316717

Eritrea Eritrean Consulate in Athens, Greece
Consulate of the State of Eritrea in Greece
4 Vasileos Konstantinou Ave.
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30-1-701-5870
Fax: +30-1-701-5833

Estonia Estonian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Estonia in Greece
Messogion Ave. 2-4
Athens Tower, 23rd floor
GR-115 27
·         City: Athens
Phone: (30 210) 74 75 660
Fax: (30 210) 74 75 661

Ethiopia Ethiopian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Ethiopia in Athens, Greece
253 Sigrou Avenue
171 22 Athens, Greece
·         City: Athens
Phone: 0030210-9403483, 0030210-9430922
Fax: 0030210-9426050
Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 09:00a.m. - 5:00p.m.

Finland Finnish Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Finland in Athens, Greece
Hatziyianni Mexi 5
115 28 Athens
P.O. Box 18123
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30-210-72 55 860
Fax: +30-210-72 55 864
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9.00-12.00

France French Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of France in Athens, Greece
7 avenue Vassilissis Sofias
Athens 10671
·         City: Athens
Phone: [30] 210 339 10 00
Fax: [30] 210 339 10 09

France French Consulate in Athens, Greece
Honorary Consulate of France in Athens, Greece
5-7 avenue Vassileos Constantinou
Athens 10674
·         City: Athens
Phone: [30] 210 339 12 00
Fax: [30] 210 339 12 09

Georgia Georgian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Georgia in Athens, Greece
Athens, Greece
·         City: Athens
Phone: + (30) 210 674 63 32; 210 674 21 86
Fax: (+301) 6716722

Germany German Embassy in Athens, Greece
German Embassy in Greece
Karaoli & Dimitiou 3
·         City: Athens
Phone: 30 210 7 28 51 11
Fax: 30 210 7 25 12 05
Details: ---

Greenland Greenlandic Embassy in Athens, Greece
Royal Danish Embassy in Greece
Mourouzi 10, 4. Sal
GR-106 74 Athens
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30 (210) 725 6440
Fax: +30 (210) 725 6473
Details: The Faroe Islands and Greenland are part of the Kingdom of Denmark. As a main principle, the Danish Constitution stipulates that the foreign and security interests for all parts of the Kingdom of Denmark are the responsibility of the Danish government.

Guatemala Guatemalan Consulate in Athens, Greece
Honorary Consulate of Guatemala in Athens, Greece
50, Meg. Alesandrou, Glyfada Athens
·         City: Athens
Phone: 003-01 894-5181
Fax: 003-01 417-0742

Guyana Guyanese Consulate in Athens, Greece
Consulate of Guyana in Athens, Greece.
206 Syngrou Avenue, 2nd Floor Athens, Greece 176-10
·         City: Athens
Phone: 301-813-73-20 / 301-813-73-21
Fax: 301-813-73-22

Hungary Hungarian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Hungary in Athens, Greece
16 Kalvou St., Paleo Psychico
154 52
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30 210 675 2300
Fax: +30 210 674 0890
Office Hours: Monday through Friday 09:00 - 12:00

India Indian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of India in Greece
3 Kleanthous Street
·         City: Athens
Phone: 00-30-1-7216227, 7216481
Fax: 00-30-1-7211252

Indonesia Indonesian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Indonesia in Athens, Greece
99 Marathonodromon Street
154.52 Paleo Psychico
Athens, Greece
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30-210-6774692; +30-210-6742345; +30-210-6746418
Fax: +30-210-6756955
Office Hours: --

Indonesia Indonesian Consulate in Athens, Greece
Honorary Consulate of Indonesia in Thessaloniki, Greece
Arte Complex, 12 KM
Athens, Greece
·         City: Athens
Phone: (30-2310) 461-249, 465-820
Fax: (30-2310) 461-367

Iraq Iraqi Embassy in Greece
Embassy of The Republic of Iraq in Greece
·         Phone: 0030210 - 6722330
Fax: 0030210 - 6717185

Ireland Irish Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Ireland in Athens, Greece
7 Leoforos Vasileos
Konstantinou 106 74
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30-210-723-2771
Fax: +30-210-729 3383
Details: Ambassador: His Excellency Charles Sheehan First Secretary: Michael Baylor Second Secretary: Caoimhín Ó Coigligh

Israel Israeli Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Israel in Athens, Greece
1 Marathonodromon Str.
15452 Paleo Psychiko
Athens, Greece
·         City: Athens
Phone: (0030) 210-6719530
Fax: (0030) 210-6749510
Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 9.30 - 12.30

Italy Italian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Italy in Athens, Greece
Leoforos Eletheriou Venizelou 135,137
·         City: Athens
Phone: 30 210 36 17 260
Fax: 30 210 36 17 330

Jamaica Jamaican Consulate in Athens, Greece
Jamaican Consulate in Athens, Greece
Dodekanisou 86
Petroupoli 13231
·         City: Athens
Phone: (302) 10505-3321
Fax: (302) 10501-8206

Japan Japanese Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Japan in Athens, Greece
46, Ethnikis Antistasseos St., Halandri, 152 31
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30-210-670-9900
Fax: +30-210-670-9980

Jordan Jordanian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Jordan in Athens, Greece
21 Papadiamandi Street
Palio Psychico 15452
·         City: Athens
Phone: 301-674-4161
Fax: 301-674-0578
Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00-2:30

Kuwait Kuwaiti Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of the State of Kuwait
Marathonodromou Street 27
Palaio Psychico
15452 Athens
·         City: Athens
Phone: (+30) 2106743593
Fax: (+30) 2106775875

Latvia Latvian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Latvia in Athens, Greece
38, Vas.Konstantinou Ave
11635, Athens, Greece
·         City: Athens
Phone: (30) 2 10 729 44 83
Fax: (30) 2 10 729 44 79
Office Hours: 9:00 - 17:00

Lebanon Lebanese Embassy in Greece
Embassy of Lebanon in Athens, Greece
6, rue 25 Martiou
154 52 Paleo Psychico
·         Phone: (+30) 210. 675.58.73, (+30) 210.675.58.74
Fax: (+30) 210.675.56.12

Liberia Liberian Consulate in Athens, Greece
Consulate General of Liberia in Athens, Greece
Liberian Consulate General
4, rue Néfélis
154 52 P. Psychico
·         City: Athens
Phone: (+30)
Fax: (+30)
Details: General Consul: Mr Nicolaos Soutos

Libya Libyan Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Libya in Athens, Greece
13 Vyronos St.
P. Psychiko 154 52
·         City: Athens
Phone: 210 674-2120/2
Fax: 210 674-2761

Lithuania Lithuanian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Lithuania in Athens, Greece
49, Vasilissis Sofias Ave.
GR - 106 76
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30 210 72 94 356; +30 210 72 94 357
Fax: +30 210 72 94 347
Details: Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to the Hellenic Republic, to the Republic of Cyprus and to the Republic of Albania

Luxembourg Luxembourg Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Luxembourg in Athens, Greece
23A, avenue Vassilissis Sofias &
2, rue Neofytou Vamva
10674 Athens
·         City: Athens
Phone: (+30) (210) 72 56 400
Fax: (+30) (210) 72 56 405

Macedonia FYROM Consulate in Athens, Greece
Liaison Office of the Republic of Macedonia in Athens, Greece
Papadiamanti 4
P. Psychico
154 52 Athens
·         City: Athens
Phone: + 30 210 67 49 585; + 30 210 67 49 548
Fax: + 30 210 67 49 572

Madagascar Malagasy Consulate in Athens, Greece
Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Athens, Greece
43 Zakinthinoy Street
Papagos, Athens 15669
·         City: Athens
Phone: 210 652 6012
Fax: 210 654 1641

Malawi Malawian Consulate in Athens, Greece
Consulate of Republic of Malawi in Athens, Greece
82 Skoufa Street
Athens 146 71
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30 210 8003754, 2108003744
Fax: +30 212-1219380, (+30) 2108003756

Malta Maltese Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Malta in Athens, Greece
96, Vassilissis Sofias Avenue
11528 Athens, Greece
·         City: Athens
Phone: (0030) 210 778 5138, 778 5054*, 210 778 5235
Fax: 0030 (210) 778 5242

Malta Maltese Consulate in Athens, Greece
Honorary Consulate of Malta in Athens, Greece
11A, Dekelias Street
Ekali 14578, Athens
·         City: Athens
Phone: 0030 (210) 813 1367
Fax: 0030 (210) 813 0155

Marshall Islands Marshallese Consulate in Athens, Greece
Consulate of Marshall Islands in Athens, Greece
Marshall Islands Consulate
110-112, rue Notara
185 35 Piraeus
·         City: Athens
Phone: (+30)
Fax: (+30)
Details: Consul: Mr Ioannis Kotrotsis

Mexico Mexican Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Mexico in Athens, Greece
Platia Filikis Eterias No. 14
Floor 5
Athens, Greece 10673
·         City: Athens
Phone: (30) 210 729-4780, 210-729-4781, 210-729-4782
Fax: (30) 210 729-4783

Moldova Moldovan Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Moldova in Athens, Greece
Moldovan Embassy
20, rue Georgiou Bacu
11524, Athens
·         City: Athens
Phone: (+30) 210 699 03 72, (+30) 210 699 06 65
Fax: (+30) 210 699 03 71
Details: Ambassador: Mr. Ion URSU

Monaco Monegasque Consulate in Athens, Greece
Honorary Consulate of Monaco in Greece
Avenue Demokratias 4-6 N. Psychico 154-51
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30.210.674.4133
Fax: +30.210.674.7346

Morocco Moroccan Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Athens, Greece
5 Marathonodromon, Paleo Psycico,
15452 Athens
·         City: Athens
Phone: (+30) 2106474209, 2106474210
Fax: (+30) 2106479480

Nepal Nepalese Consulate in Athens, Greece
Honorary Consulate General of Nepal in Athens, Greece
Herodotou Str 8,
Athens 106 75
·         City: Athens
Phone: (01)722-0165 / (01) 721-1879
Fax: 01-412-4734

Netherlands Dutch Embassy in Athens, Greece
Royal Netherlands Embassy in Athens, Greece
Leof. Vass. Konstantinou 5-7
106 74 Athens
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30 210 7254900
Fax: +30 210 7254907
Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 09.00 - 12.00 hrs.

New Zealand Kiwi Consulate in Athens, Greece
New Zealand Consulate-General in Athens
76 Kifissias Avenue,
115 26, Ambelokipi
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30-210-6924-136
Fax: +30-210-6924-821
Details: Honorary Consul-General: Costa Cotsilinis

Nicaragua Nicaraguan Consulate in Athens, Greece
Consulate General of Nicaragua
44 Syngrou Avenue
·         City: Athens
Phone: (+30) 2109025807, 2109234333

Norway Norwegian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Royal Norwegian Embassy in Athens
Vas. Sophias Avenue 23,106 74
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30-21-0724-6173
Fax: +30-21-0724-4989
Details: Ambassador: H.E. Mr. Sverre Stub

Pakistan Pakistani Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Pakistan in Athens, Greece
6 Loukianou Street,
Kolonaki, 106 75
Athens, Greece
·         City: Athens
Phone: 30 210 7290214, + 30 210 7290122
Fax: + 30 210 7257641
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m

Palestine Palestinian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Palestine Embassy in Greece
13 Giassemion St. 154 52 Psychico
·         City: Athens
Phone: 30-1-6726061-3
Fax: 30-1-6726064

Peru Peruvian Consulate in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Peru in Athens, Greece
rue Semitelou
1st. floor 115 28
·         City: Athens
Phone: (+30) 210.779.27.61
Fax: (+30) 210.779.29.05
Website: http://-
Office Hours: 09.00-16.00

Philippines Philippine Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of the Philippines in Athens, Greece
26 Antheon Street
Paleo Psychico 15452
·         City: Athens
Phone: (0030210) 672-1883, 672-1837
Fax: (0030210) 672-1872

Poland Polish Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Poland in Athens, Greece
Chryssanthemon 22, 154-52 Paleo Psychico, Athens
·         City: Athens
Phone: (30 1) 0677 8260, 0677 5742
Fax: (30 1) 0671 8394

Portugal Portuguese Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Portugal in Athens, Greece
23 Ave. Vass. Sophias, 10674, Athens
·         City: Athens
Phone: (+30) 2107290061, 2107290096, 2107257505
Fax: (+30) 2107200955, 2107245122

Romania Romanian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Romania in Athens, Greece
7, Rue Emmanoil Benaki
Paleo Psychico
15452 Athens
·         City: Athens
Phone: (00) (30) (210) 6774035 or 6728875
Fax: (00) (30) (210) 6728883

Russia Russian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Russia in Athens, Greece
28, Nikiforou Litra str., Pfleo Psikhiko, Athens 15452
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30 210 672-6130, +30 210 672-5235
Fax: +30 210 674-97-08

San Marino Sammarinese Consulate in Athens, Greece
Consulate of San Marino in Greece
1 Mistou
·         City: Athens
Phone: (+30) 2107228061
Fax: (+30) 2103246151

Serbia Serbian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Serbia in Greece
106, Vassilissis Sophias Ave.
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30-210-7774344 / +30-210-7774355/+30-210-7774052/+30-210-7777842
Fax: +30-210-7796436

Seychelles Seychelles Consulate in Athens, Greece
Seychelles Consulate in Athens, Greece
178 Kifisias Avenue, 4th Floor, Halandri
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30-1-677-5858
Fax: +30-1-677-5860

Singapore Singaporean Consulate in Athens, Greece
Consulate of Singapore in Greece
10-12 Kifissias Avenue 15125
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30-2-10-684-5072/+30-2-10-683-4875
Fax: +30-2-10-684-7660/+30-2-10-683-4416

Singapore Singaporean Embassy in Tanglin, Greece
Singapore Embassy in Tanglin, Greece
Chancery c/o Ministry of Foreign Affairs
·         City: Tanglin
Phone: +65-63798000/+65-64752600 /+65-64708118
Fax: +65-64747885

Slovakia Slovak Embassy in Paleo Psychico Athens, Greece
Embassy of Slovakia in Paleo Athens, Greece
Paleo Psychico
154 52
·         City: Paleo Psychico Athens
Phone: (+30-210) 6771980
Fax: (+30-210) 6771878

Slovenia Slovenian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Slovenia in Greece
: 280, Kifissias Ave. & Dimokratias 1, GR-15451 Neo Psychico
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30-210-67 20 090
Fax: +30-210-67 75 680
Email: vat@gov.si

South Africa South African Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of South Africa in Athens, Greece
60 Kifissias Avenue
151 25 Marousi
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30 (1) 610 6645
Fax: +30-210-6106640
Office Hours: 08 h00 to 13 h00, Mondays to Fridays.
Details: The following are the most basic requirements for visas for citizens of countries not exempted, however, additional information/documentation might be required from the applicant once the Consular section processes the application. For this reason it is of the utmost importance that the applicant provides telephone and fax numbers where he/she could be could be contacted.
The minimum requirements to be submitted on the application of a visa are contained hereunder. Applications should be submitted WELL IN ADVANCE (at least 30 days before departure) :
A full completed and personally signed visa application form (BI-84) A valid passport - the passport must be valid for at least one year. At least one page of the passport must be free to enable the issuance of a visa. The original passport must be furnished together with the application. Relevant visa fees are paid on application and are not refundable irrespective of whether the application is successful or not. These fees are separate to the required cash deposits. A refundable repatriation guarentee may be requested for certain categories of applications. Applicants who are not able to submit their applications in person at the Embassy are advised to utilise courier services and arrange for the prepaid re-delivery of their passports. The applicant is required to cover all expenses in respect of the return of a passport as this expense is not covered by the Embassy.

South Korea Korean Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
124 Avenue Kifissias
11526 Athens
·         City: Athens
Phone: (+30) 2106984080/1/2
Fax: (+30) 2106984083

Spain Spanish Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Spain in Athena, Greece
Dionisiou Areopagitou, 21
Athens 11742
·         City: Athens
Phone: (0210) 921.3123/+30.210.921.3123
Fax: (0210) 921.4264/+30.210.921.4264

Sri Lanka Sri Lankan Consulate in Athens, Greece
Honorary Consulate of Sri Lanka
20, Kanari Str.
Kolonaki Sq.
Athens, Greece
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30 2103614575
Fax: +30 2103616287

Sweden Swedish Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Sweden, Athens
Vassileos Konstantinou 7
10674 Athens
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30-210-72 66 100
Fax: +30-210-72 66 150
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. Visa (applications and processing): Monday-Friday 9.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. Phone hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Switzerland Swiss Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Switzerland in Athens, Greece
Rue Iassiou No 2
115 21 Athens
·         City: Athens
Phone: ++30 210 723 03 64/5/6
Fax: ++30 210 724 92 09

Syria Syrian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic
P.Box: P.Psychico 650 85
15452 Athens
·         City: Athens
Phone: (210) 6722324 - 6715713 - 6725577; Consular Section Tel: (210) 725575
Fax: (210) 6716402
Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 08:30 AM - 15:00 AM
Details: Ideal Periods for Travel in Syria: in Spring ( April , May ) and in autumn ( September, October ) .In winter , the climate is mild but the nights can be cold . The summer months are very dry , with the temperature varying from 30 to 40 degrees .

Taiwan Taiwanese Embassy in Athens, Greece
Taipei Representative Office in Athens, Greece
57, Marathonodromon Avenue
154 52 Psychico
Athens, Greece
·         City: Athens
Phone: (002-30-210) 677-6750
Fax: (002-30-210) 677-6708

Thailand Thai Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Thailand in Athens, Greece
25 Marathonodromou Str.
Paleo Psychico
Athens 15452
·         City: Athens
Phone: (30) 210 6710 155, 210 6749 065/ (30) 210 6710 155, 210 6749 065
Fax: (30) 210 6749 508

Turkey Turkish Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Turkey in Athens, Greece
8, rue Vass. Georgiou II
106 74 Athens
·         City: Athens
Phone: (+30) 210.726.30.00
Fax: (+30) 210.722.95.97

Turkey Turkish Consulate in Athens, Greece
Consulate of Turkey in Greece
Vasileos Pavlau 22 Paleo Psychico 15452
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30-1 671-4828 / +30-1 672-1153
Fax: +30-1 677-6430

Ukraine Ukrainian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Ukraine in Greece
2-4 Stephanou Delta Str., Filothe
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30-210-6800230 / +30-210-6856171
Fax: +30-210-6854154

United Kingdom British Embassy in Athens, Greece
British Embassy in Athens, Greece
1 Ploutarchou Street
106 75 Athens, Greece
·         City: Athens
Phone: (+ 301) 72.72.600
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 08:00 - 13:00
Details: Ôhe Consular Section is responsible for the protection of British, and certain Commonwealth citizens in Greece. Fee-bearing services include birth and death registration of British citizens in Greece and various notarial services - including the issue of Certificates of No Impediment to British citizens intending to marry in Greece. The Section offers a complete range of passport services to British and some Commonwealth citizens - including the issue of emergency travel documents when necessary. The Section also provides a visa service for those nationals who require prior entry clearance for the UK

United States American Embassy in Athens, Greece
U.S. Embassy in Athens, Greece
91 Vasilissis Sophias Avenue
GR-101 60
·         City: Athens
Phone: 30-210-721-2951
Office Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 8:30 until 5:00 and on Wednesdays from 8:30 until 1:0

Uruguay Uruguayan Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Uruguay in Athens, Greece
Licavitou 1 Gama
1st Floor
106 72
·         City: Athens
Phone: (301) 3602635
Fax: (00 301) 361 3549
Office Hours: At 9:00 and 14:00 hours

Uzbekistan Uzbekistani Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Uzbekistan in Greece
Pindou str 26, Filothei
·         City: Athens
Phone: +301-685 7077
Fax: +301-683 6285
Uzbekistan Uzbekistani Consulate in Athens, Greece
Consulate of Uzbekistan in Athens, Greece
26, Pindou St.
Filothei, Athens 15237
·         City: Athens
Phone: (0210) 685.5256/+30.210.685.5256
Fax: (0210) 683.6285/+30.210.683.6285

Venezuela Venezuelan Embassy in Athens, Greece
Embassy of Venezuela in Athens, Greece
112, Vas. Sofias Ave., 115 27
Athens, Greece
·         City: Athens
Phone: +30 2107709962/+30 2107708769
Fax: +30 2107702489
Office Hours: Visa hours: 10:00-12:00

Yemen Yemeni Consulate in Athens, Greece
Honorary Consulate of Yemen in Athens, Greece
giou Seferi 79
15451 Neo Psychiko
Athens, Greece
·         City: Athens
Phone: (+30) 210 6717 280
Fax: (+30) 210 6742 502
Office Hours: Working days: 10:00 am - 13:00 pm

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