22-25 March, 2012,
The Lions and Leos of MD 117 Greece- Cyprus, under the direction of PID Kokos Nikolaidis, CC George Papas and PCC Harris Zachariadou President of the 15th Mediterranean Conference, organize from the 22nd to 25th of March, 2012 the 15th Mediterranean Conference.
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check on line availability - prices and make a reservation https://economyhotel.cosmores.com
The Conference Themes are the following:
Main Theme "A journey to humanism and civilization"
- Session 1 - Human, social and cultural relations
- Session 2 - Environment
- Session 3 - Leaderschip in Lionism
info by athensbureau
Book a hotel room in Athens Greece www.economyhotel.gr
check on line availability - prices and make a reservation https://economyhotel.cosmores.com
check on line availability - prices and make a reservation https://economyhotel.cosmores.com