Τρίτη, Μαρτίου 13, 2012

29th International Publishers Exhibition

17-18 March, 2012,

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46 leading foreign and Greek publishing houses sponsor the 29th International Publishers Exhibition in Athens, probably the most educational event for foreign language teachers in Greece in 2012.
The seminars and the exhibition will take place on Saturday and Sunday, 17 & 18 March from 10.00 - 18.00 at the centrally located Hotel Divani Caravel.

Loyal to the IPE tradition the emphasis of the event is on education. There will be 27 (21 for English, 5 for Spanish and 1 for Italian) seminars, workshops and presentations by well-known authors and teacher trainers to inform participants of new developments in foreign language teaching. Also, the popular Greek authors Akis Davanellos, Virginia Evans, Costas Grivas, Sylvia Kar and Dimitris Siountris will again enthuse their large audiences with several presentations.

During the extensive exhibition visitors have the opportunity to inspect the latest available
English, French, German, Italian and Spanish books and teaching materials. Visitors can meet
not only with publishers and authors but also with representatives of computer software
companies, teacher training centres and examination boards.

Since the interest in learning the Spanish language has substantially increased in the last couple of years, the IP has dedicated a full day to Spanish - in cooperation with ASPE, the largest teachers of Spanish association in Greece.

The admission to the IPE, the biggest event of its kind in Greece, is free for teachers and
professors of private and state schools, colleges, TEI and universities.

A copy of the detailed programme can be downloaded from http://www.ip-exhibitions.eu or obtained free of charge from the banqueting department at the Hotel Divani Caravel,
info by athensbureau

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